Procedural Cabinet Generator


This side-project is used to generate a cabinet with simple steps.

Platform Engine Project Time Frame
Windows Unity3D Project 3 months

My Tasks

In this project, I am responsible for the following tasks:

  1. Cabinet generator
    - Design classes and provide a class diagram to junior programmers to follow
    - Transform given data for generating cabinet
    - Spawn cabinet parts
  2. Undo/redo functionality.
  3. Design structure for data and classes
  4. Assets control with Unity Addressable
    - Create a remote Unity Addressables project for building assets
    - Integrate Mircosoft Azure Blob Storage as an Addressable hosting server
  5. Other
    - Code optimization
    - Code review, peer-to-peer review
    - Apply coding standard
    - Project management


Solution of Identifying Spaces in the Cabinet

To store valid cabinet spaces in an object-oriented world, I found that the Binary Tree data structure helps me do the trick.

Binary Tree Structure for storing valid spaces in a separate cabinet

Like the figure above, each node stores left, right, and parent nodes as a reference. When the user uses a plank to separate a space, it will spawn 2 nodes (left and right or top and bottom) belonging to that node.
And we can find how many end nodes and valid spaces we have in the cabinet space.

UML for a Cabinet tree node class

In a class diagram, I tried to design the structure like the figure. Every node will have a data field that contains Transform and Bounds That helps me find which node the user will separate or place structure and item into.

Undo Redo with Command Pattern

About the undo/redo functionality, I used Command Pattern to implement the manager class that stores command, a cursor to the current command and interfaces.

Structure of CommandManager class
CommandManager - AddCommand code snippet

To develop a flexible and expandable environment, I created an interface - ICabinetCommand which allows the computer to enforce specific properties on a class.

Structure of ICabinetCommand interface

As a result, the command manager will only call Execute and Undo at certain times. In the future, if some new commands need to be created, then the command manager will stay in no changes as much as possible.

Structure of an actual command - CreateCabinetCommand

Each command will be implemented ICabinetCommand and has its constructor. All dependencies necessary for running this user action should be passed through the constructor.

Technologies Used

  1. Unity3D
  2. Rider
  3. C#
  4. Microsoft Azure Blob Storage


First Prototype

Second Prototype