

Train your reflexes and concentration! It's an intense brain game of cat creatures from another planet! Spot the difference. What do you call a cat and an octopus combine together? Catopuss!! Here in Catzoo, you will find a weird and funny-looking cat...

Platform Engine Project Time Frame
Android & iOS Unity Personal 2 Months

This game was my first time involved in game design and development. I needed to design the gameplay and cooperate with artists to create game assets such as sprites, UI images, and app store screenshots. Besides, I had to integrate with the ads provider library to test out the profit from it and how the IAP attracted people to buy.

My Tasks

  1. Game level design
    - Difficulty control
  2. Gameplay
    - 3 different game modes
  3. UI
  4. Worked with artists to export game assets
    - Cat portraits
    - UI assets
    - In-game assets
  5. Integrated with 3rd party libraries
    - Ads, Facebook and IAP
  6. Sound effects
    - Recorded for "meow" SFXs

Technologies Used

  1. Unity
  2. Photoshop
  3. Visual Studio
  4. NanoStudio
  5. Adobe Audition
  6. iPhone for recording


Gameplay Video

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