November 6, 2016


How quick is your brain? Train your reflexes and concentration! An intense brain game of cat creatures from another planet! Spot the difference.



Train your reflexes and concentration! It's an intense brain game of cat creatures from another planet! Spot the difference. What do you call a cat and an octopus combine together? Catopuss!! Here in Catzoo, you will find a weird and funny-looking cat...

Platform Engine Project Time Frame
Android & iOS Unity Personal 2 Months

This game was my first time involved in game design and development. I needed to design the gameplay and cooperate with artists to create game assets such as sprites, UI images, and app store screenshots. Besides, I had to integrate with the ads provider library to test out the profit from it and how the IAP attracted people to buy.

My Tasks

  1. Game level design
    - Difficulty control
  2. Gameplay
    - 3 different game modes
  3. UI
  4. Worked with artists to export game assets
    - Cat portraits
    - UI assets
    - In-game assets
  5. Integrated with 3rd party libraries
    - Ads, Facebook and IAP
  6. Sound effects
    - Recorded for "meow" SFXs

Technologies Used

  1. Unity
  2. Photoshop
  3. Visual Studio
  4. NanoStudio
  5. Adobe Audition
  6. iPhone for recording


Gameplay Video

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